Security Concerns Rise in Aftermath of Sandy Hook Shooting


Our deepest sorrows for the victims of Sandy Hook. To the families, victims in their own right, we share in the hour of your loss and mourning, and with grief, extend our sincerest condolences.

Of all of the senseless, violent acts I’ve encountered during my work as a professional in the security business, or have heard about from one of my colleagues, the tragedy at Sandy Hook is by far the most heinous. Nothing in its wake can make up for the loss, and sadly, for the broken hearted, there is little else left but choking grief and anguish. Desperate to see that something like this never happens again, a shocked nation is now struggling in its search for answers.

Mere hours after the mass shooting, strong opinions and cries for calls to action were sounded all across the web. Until changes are made, I predict they will only get louder. There are those who are adamant that tightening gun control laws is the answer, while others say we need to address issues of mental health and social isolation. What most agree on however, is that we are probably going to need to implement more than just one single reform to achieve the desired result.

Sadly enough, we now know there is no “safe” place that escapes from the risk of a mass murder or any other horrible crime. The need for increased security in schools is absolutely irrefutable.

There are many tools available which are affordable, and many prudent steps we can take to help secure our schools. Including emergency planning, thought-out systems using electronic security equipment such as alarm monitored systems, metal detectors, and surveillance camera systems need to be part of the discussion. Strategic placement of cameras at all exits and entrances can quickly alert staff to possible threats, while shatter proof glass can deny an assailant admission.

In consulting with security professionals, law enforcement officials and corresponding governmental agencies can forge better preparedness within our communities. As a deterrence, a security presence gives everyone, including our children, peace of mind. With tighter security, staff will be likelier to have the opportunity to act at the first sign of suspicion.

Parents need to speak out and ask community leaders and school board members what they are doing about public safety and security.
To secure itself properly, society must then pursue those policies which make it safer more vigorously. We must recognize our security needs and demand that those responsible for its charge, heed it. Our own safety, and the safety and security of our children depends on it.

With all the current bickering between the politicos and the NRA, many wonder why we are willing to tolerate this hardening of our society.

Before they strike over and over again, catching and sending criminals away for longer periods of time through strict enforcement and prosecution is one of the only approaches that seems to make the most sense.

The issue of mental health matters greatly. The system however, has little to no desire to act until someone is actually attacked or killed. Too often all the signs prior to a violent act were present, but no one cared (concerned more about trampling the rights of others, one would suppose). Try explaining to the authorities that someone you know has violent potential, and that you feel threatened, and absolutely nothing will occur as a result.

Where are the criminals? The fastest way to find criminals is to catch them. In many cases criminals act in ways that are detectable. A simple measurement of our progress on reducing the murders and all crime should the relationship between unsolved and solved crimes.

As long as more criminals defy capture than get apprehended after committing crimes, we are losing the battle. Logic tells us unsolved crimes lead to more and more serious crimes, as criminals will undoubtedly strike again. The opportunity to catch the criminal and detect people with mental problems (before a catastrophe strikes) goes undercapitalized, if not ignored completely.

Why not start with demanding our safety in public places, communities, schools, businesses, and buildings of all kinds by eliminating those committing crimes by sentencing them to longer prison sentences?


The facts are:

The government can’t even agree on balancing a budget.
More gun laws will not stop a killer from killing.
Mental health issues will continue unchecked.
Hollywood and video games capitalize on the marketability of violence and sex.
Drugs will continue to be a thriving business and lead to more and more crime.
Crime will increase as more and more desperation arises out the worst economic conditions in 70 years. Ask those coming off unemployment.

Let’s focus on the simple solutions, not the ones that will never force change. Remember, crime will continue to come in more and more shocking forms as creativity to kill and steal has no boundaries

“Catch criminals before they strike again”.

How? Logically.

Let’s start by asking the right people that question, those whose job it is to take criminals off the street. Those who are risking their own lives to protect us all for a little more than the amount of an unemployment check.

Why not ask the police what the public can do to help them actually catch more criminals, more often?

Remember the question here. The object is not to stop crimes. Nothing is going to do that, nothing! Crimes are the act of an individual(s) that no force or threat of consequence will change, (not even life itself) before the event.

The only logical “objective” to have is to take criminals off the street where our families live, work and play and reduce the likelihood of repeat occurrences BY THE SAME CRIMINAL, and yes, one criminal at a time.

We all know that police are in fact the most qualified to fight crime. Their tools include training, serious weaponry, high speed cruises, bullet reflecting body armor and plenty of procedures. Yet we ask everyone but the police how to solve the problem.

What is the first question the police ask at any crime scene? They ask if there is any video footage. What if there is none? Then the objective of “apprehension” becomes that much more difficult; if not impossible. Without video evidence, many crimes go unsolved and criminals remain at large, planning their next criminal act.

The tools police rely on most is a combination of cooperation and awareness of the public that video data will remove criminals from society quickly before another crime is committed by the same criminal.

It just so happens at this moment in time (2013) when our society is so desperate for answers, we actually have affordable technology to expand the size of our penal corrections system. With affordable solutions at hand, and a plethora of novel investigative techniques at our disposal, slowly but surely the criminals will get the message, but it’s up to all of us to demand they get it.

Or, if you want to address the problem of crime expeditiously, call for laws to make recorded video cameras systems available to the police “as mandatory” for every business, education, health care facility and all other places of public assembly.

Who pays? Those being protected, of course!

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1 Response to Security Concerns Rise in Aftermath of Sandy Hook Shooting

  1. Mary says:

    CCTV systems are indeed very useful and should be used in more places, incl. parking lots. If the society is more prepared and more on alert, then tragedy is less likely to happen again. It would also be nice to let parents watch their kids remotely. The technology is there and the cost is already very low.

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